Class Officers: Class Officers 2023-2024 -President(s)- Sandra Greenwood -Vice President(s) Elect- Bob Dill -Membership + communications- Phil Bell -Treasurer- Tim Terry -Outreach committee- Lewise Crockett , Robert Thompson , Cathy Soutter -Cares + Concerns- Dianne Stanford, LouAnn Jumper , Jeanne Dunlap, Camilla Mitchell -Social committee- Sammye Myers , Don Stanford, Phil Bell, Dianne Stanford , Pat Brady , Jamie Bell, Priscilla Taylor Rogers , Sharon Smith , Camilla Mitchell -Song leaders- Robert Thompson , Camilla Mitchell -Pianists- Linda Piper , Carol Kelley , Nancy Hudspeth |
Hebrews 13:16 - But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Our class supports charitable giving through donations of your time and to the class offering each week. Please make class offering checks payable to HPUMC and note in the Memo area: In His Steps.
Our class supports charitable giving through donations of your time and to the class offering each week. Please make class offering checks payable to HPUMC and note in the Memo area: In His Steps.
SUNDAY GREETER SCHEDULE: Be sure to sign up in class to greet. You may also sign up below if you prefer.